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Declaring an in-place record from an external location

You can create records from non-Records Management sites and add them straight into the File Plan.
  1. In the Document Library of a SkyVault site find the file you want to declare as a record.

  2. Hover over the item and click More then Declare As Record.

    The file is added to the Unfiled Records folder, in the explorer panel of your Records Management site. It's still visible in its original site, identified by the In-place record icon, but with a limited set of actions available. It's locked in the originating site and you can't work with it.

    Note: You can't declare a record if your permission level for the site is Consumer, or if the file is locked or synced with a SkyVault in the Cloud site.
You can now go and file the record in your File Plan. You can find it in the Unfiled Records folder in the File Plan explorer panel. New records display in the File Plan as incomplete records. You need to make sure any required metadata is added before you can set records to complete.