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Creating disposition schedule steps

When you've set up a disposition schedule, you need to add disposition steps. The steps give the disposition schedule it's control over records and folders.
  1. Hover over a record category in the File Plan and click View Details.

    The category details page displays showing the disposition schedule summary.

  2. In the Disposition Steps section, click Edit.

    The Edit Disposition Schedule page displays.

  3. Click Add Step and select a disposition action.

    Option Description
    Cut off This is the first step in a disposition schedule. Once a record is cut off this triggers the records retention period. You can't add records to a folder that's been cut off.
    Retain This is an alternative first step that is a 'placeholder' step which delays the next disposition step until after a selected time period or event.
    Transfer Records are transferred from one location to another. This can be applicable to both electronic and non-electronic records, and will be used, for example, when transferring records from an organization to an archive.
    Accession An advanced form of transfer usually involving the specific legal and physical transfer of records between organizations.
    Destroy Electronic records are removed from the Records Management system and destroyed, and non-electronic records must be destroyed.

    Note: You can add multiple steps to a disposition schedule, but the first step must be either a Cut off or Retain action, and no steps can be added after the Destroy action.
  4. Select whether the action will be triggered after a period of time or when a specified event occurs:

    Option Description
    After a period of Select the time period after which the step action will take place.

    Created Date = The date when the file or record is first added to SkyVault

    Disposition Action = The date when the last disposition action took place. Don't select this for the first step in the schedule.

    The "Quarter" option splits the year into 4 sets of 3 months, beginning with Jan/Feb/March. "Financial Quarter" is the same but based on the start of your system-configured financial year.
    When event occurs Select the event after which the step action will take place.

    Most events must be completed manually in the record details page, or you can use rules to automatically complete these events.

    The Obsolete, Superseded, and Related Record Transferred To Inactive Storage events are automatically completed when relevant relationships are set up between records.

    Note: You can select both options, or multiple events, and have the action triggered by Whichever event is earlier or When all events have occurred.

    The date selected here is displayed as the Disposition as of date in the details page for records or folders, depending on which the disposition applies to. If you select an event then this field will display None, and you should complete the event on the details page.

  5. If you added a Destroy step then there is an additional Maintain record metadata after destroy option. If you select this option then destroyed records are still represented in the File Plan rather than being completely deleted. An audit trail and metadata remain but the records can't be accessed.

    Note: The metadata is maintained indefinitely unless it is manually deleted from the File Plan by someone with the SkyVault_ADMINISTRATOR role, or another role that has been given permissions to delete the metadata.
  6. Enter a Step Description.
  7. Click Save.

    Tip: You can click the Edit icon edit icon or Delete icon delete icon next to a step to edit or delete it.
  8. When you've entered all the required steps click Done.
You return to the category details page, which displays the disposition steps. Click View Description to the right of a step to display the description.