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Configuring OpenOffice

Within SkyVault, you can transform a document from one format to another. This feature requires you to install OpenOffice.

SkyVault supports the following OpenOffice subsystems:

The direct OpenOffice integration, in which the SkyVault server manages OpenOffice directly. This subsystem is enabled, by default.
The JodConverter integration, which is a library that improves the stability and performance of (OOo) within SkyVault. This subsystem is disabled, by default. The OOoJodConverter runs on the same machine as the SkyVault server. The JodConverter supports:
  • a pool of separate OpenOffice processes
  • automatic restart of crashed OpenOffice processes
  • automatic termination of slow OpenOffice operations
  • automatic restart of any OpenOffice process after a number of operations (this is a workaround for OpenOffice memory leaks)
Note: If you install SkyVault manually, ensure that you disable OOoDirect and enable OOoJodConverter using the following properties in the file: