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Repository system configuration files

The SkyVault system configuration files are in the application WAR file. When the server starts, the files expand to <configRoot>.

The path for <configRoot> is different depending on your application server. For example:

  • Tomcat: <TOMCAT_HOME>\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF
  • JBoss: <JBOSS_HOME>\server\default\tmp\deploy\tmp*alfresco-exp.war\WEB-INF

The system configuration files are maintained by SkyVault and contained in <configRoot> and <configRoot>\classes\SkyVault. The preferred method of configuring SkyVault is to extend the default files using the global properties file (

The following files represent the core of the application configuration:

  1. <configRoot>\classes\alfresco\application-context.xml

    This file is the starting point of the Spring configurations. This file only performs imports, including a wild card import of all classpath*:alfresco/extension/*-context.xml files.

  2. <configRoot>\classes\alfresco\core-services-context.xml

    Core SkyVault beans are defined here, including the importing of properties using the repository-properties bean.

  3. <configRoot>\classes\alfresco\

    This file is imported by the repository-properties bean. The file defines the core system properties, including:

    • dir.root

      This folder is where the binary content and indexes are stored. The alf_data folder is where they are stored by default, but you should change this to your own location. The path is relative by default, but it must point to a permanent, backed-up location for data storage.

    • dir.auditcontentstore

      This folder is where the audit's content store is stored.

    • dir.indexes
      This folder contains all Lucene indexes and deltas against those indexes.
      Note: SkyVault recommends that you do not store Lucene indexes on an NFS volume. The indexes must be on a local disk. For best performance, use a separate hardware chain (for example, controller, disk, and so on) to avoid I/O contention with other operations, like storing content and other applications.
    • db.*

      These are the default database connection properties.

    • db.schema.update

      This property controls whether the system bootstrap should create or upgrade the database schema automatically.