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My Profile

Your user profile contains your detailed personal and business information. Some of this information is published for other users to view.

Your user details are organized across several pages:

The Info page displays your personal details, including contact information, company details, and a photo. Click Edit Profile to update your profile.
The Sites page displays the sites you are a member of. Click a site name in this list to navigate to that site.
The Content page displays two lists detailing your recent activities. The Recently added list shows the last five pieces of content that you have added to any site. This includes wiki pages, blog postings, library content, and discussion items. The Recently modified list shows the last five pieces of content that you edited. Click an item in either list to view it in its associated site.
I'm Following (#)
The I'm Following page displays the users you have chosen to follow. The number to the right of the page label indicates how many people you are currently following. Mark your list as Private if you don't want people to see who you are following. Even with a private list users will be notified when you begin following them. Click Unfollow to stop following someone.
Following Me (#)
The Following Me page displays the users following you. The number to the right of the page label indicates how many people are currently following you.
Change Password
The Change Password page allows you to change your current user password.
The Notifications page allows you to specify whether or not you want to receive email notifications.

A summary of your profile information appears on the My Profile dashlet on your personal dashboard.