For replication jobs, you must configure SkyVault Share to open a locked node in the source repository, where it can be edited. This is configured by mapping the remote repository identifier (repositoryId) and the URL, which gives access the remote repository.
Locate the repositoryId by browsing to the remote server's
CMIS landing page using the following URL:
The repositoryId field is displayed in the CMIS Repository Information panel.
- Open the <web-extension>\share-config-custom.xml.sample file.
Locate the following example configuration:
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Replication"> <share-urls> <!-- To discover a Repository Id, browse to the remote server's CMIS landing page at: http://{server}:{port}/alfresco/service/cmis/index.html The Repository Id field is found under the "CMIS Repository Information" expandable panel. Example config entry: <share-url repositoryId="622f9533-2a1e-48fe-af4e-ee9e41667ea4">http://new-york-office:8080/share/</share-url> --> </share-urls> </config>
Modify the repositoryId in the following line:
<share-url repositoryId="622f9533-2a1e-48fe-af4e-ee9e41667ea4">http://new-york-office:8080/share/</share-url>
- Copy this configuration setting to your share-config-custom.xml file or save the sample file without the .sample extension.