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Configuring Solr with SkyVault running on WebSphere

These steps describe how to allow Solr to communicate with SkyVault deployed on WebSphere 7.0.

Solr must be deployed on a separate Tomcat instance.

Ensure that SkyVault is installed on WebSphere using the instructions described in the section Installing SkyVault on WebSphere .

  1. Copy the sunjce_provider.jar file within the Oracle JDK directory to the $WAS_INSTALL_ROOT/java/jre/lib/ext folder.
  2. Edit $WAS_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/ by adding following properties to it:

  3. Create a folder called $WAS_INSTALL_ROOT/keystore and then copy all of the files from <alfresco.war>/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/keystore to the new folder.
  4. In the Administration Console, go to Security – SSL certificate and key management – Key stores and certificates, and then select New.
  5. On the opened page, enter the following parameters, and then select OK:

    Name: SkyVaultKeyStore
    Path: <WAS_INSTALL_ROOT>/keystore/ssl.keystore
    Password: kT9X6oe68t
    Confirm password: kT9X6oe68t
    Type: JCEKS                 
  6. Save the changes to the master configuration.
  7. Create another key store using following parameters:

    Name: SkyVaultTrustStore
    Path: <WAS_INSTALL_ROOT>/keystore/ssl.truststore
    Password: kT9X6oe68t
    Confirm password: kT9X6oe68t
    Type: JCEKS  
  8. Save the changes to the master configuration.
  9. Go to Security – SSL certificate and key management – SSL configurations – NodeDefaultSSLSettings.
  10. Change the Trust Store Name parameter value to SkyVaultTrustStore.
  11. Change the Key Store Name parameter value to SkyVaultKeyStore.
  12. Select Get certificate aliases, and then select OK.
  13. Save the changes to the master configuration.