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Managing OpenOffice

This section describes how to view the properties for the OpenOffice.
There are three OpenOffice pages in the Admin Console: OOoJodConverter, OpenOffice System, and OpenOffice.
  1. Open the Admin Console, and then click an OpenOffice page.
  2. View the OpenOffice JodConverter properties.

    Property Example setting What is it?
    Enabled No This enables or disables the OpenOffice JodConverter for transformations.
    Max. Tasks per process 200 This is the maximum number of tasks.
    OpenOffice Home /Applications/alfresco-4.0.0/ This shows the directory path locations of OpenOffice.
    Port Number 8100 This is the port number that OpenOffice uses.
    Task Execution Timeout 120000 This is the duration in milliseconds after which a task will timeout.
    Task Queue Timeout 30000 This is the duration in milliseconds after which a the task queue will timeout.
  3. View the OpenOffice System properties:

    Property Example setting What is it?
    Enabled Yes This enables or disables the OpenOffice transformations.
    Exe <alfresco-3.5.0-installLocation>/openoffice/program/soffice.bin This shows the directory path locations of the OpenOffice that SkyVault uses for transformation.
    Port 8100 This is the port number that OpenOffice uses.