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Installing the SkyVault Kofax Release script AMP

The following describes how to install the SkyVault Kofax Release script AMP file (SkyVault-kofax.amp) on your SkyVault server.
  1. Shut down your SkyVault server.
  2. Move or copy the SkyVault-kofax.amp file to the amps directory in your SkyVault installation.
    • (Windows) c:\Alfresco\amps
    • (Linux) /opt/alfresco/amps
  3. From the command line, browse to the SkyVault bin directory.
    • (Windows) c:\Alfresco\bin
    • (Linux) /opt/alfresco/bin
  4. Install the SkyVault Kofax AMP using the Module Management Tool.

    For more information on MMT, see Installing a SkyVault Module Package.

    For Windows:

    • java -jar SkyVault-mmt.jar install c:\Alfresco\bin\amps\alfresco-kofax.amp c:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps\alfresco.war
    For Linux:
    • java -jar SkyVault-mmt.jar install /opt/alfresco/amps/alfresco-kofax.amp /opt/alfresco/tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war

    Note: Alternatively for Tomcat, you can run the apply_amps.bat command in the root SkyVault directory to install the SkyVault-kofax.amp. This batch file applies all the AMPs that are located in the amps directory.
  5. Remove your existing expanded SkyVault web application directory to allow updates to be picked up when the server restarts.
    • (Windows) c:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps\SkyVault
    • (Linux) /opt/alfresco/tomcat/webapps/SkyVault