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Accessing the library

Access the site library to view and work with the content items in the current site.
Within the library you can view, upload, edit, and delete items. You can also add comments to an item and edit its properties.
  1. Navigate to the desired site.
  2. On the navigation bar click Document Library.

    Note: Within each site the component names can be customized. If the site manager has done this, the link in the navigation bar may have a label other than Document Library.

    This opens the library which displays the contents of the root folder, Documents. The content item list displays a summary for each item. This summary includes:

    • a thumbnail of the content
    • the item name
    • the approximate amount of time since the item was created in, uploaded to, or modified within the site
    • the user who created, added, or last modified the item
    • the file size
    • a description
    • the tags associated with the item
    • a Favorite option
    • a Like option, including a counter
    • a link to add a comment and a comment count

    Where the list contains more items than can be displayed on a single page, navigation links become enabled at the top and bottom of the item list. The number in bold indicates your current page. Click a page number to display a specific page. Use the previous (<<) and next (>>) links to move forward and backward through multiple pages of items.

  3. Open the sort menu at the top of the list to change the criteria by which the items are sorted. Click the icon to the left of the menu to toggle between ascending and descending sort order.

    There are many sort options available including document creator, document modifier, modification date, and most liked (Popularity).

    Note: The sort order you specify is specific to your user account. The setting is carried over from the current site to all other sites that you view. This preference is saved between sessions and remains the default sort order until you change it.
  4. Position your cursor over a content item to display the available actions. This also displays the version number, which is set to 1.0 when a new item is created in or uploaded to the library.
  5. Click the Hide Folders icon to display only the content items in this list.

    Click the Show Folders icon to display both folders and content items in this list.

  6. Click the Simple View icon to display only basic item details (name, approximate time since creation/modification, user responsible for the creation/modification) for the content items.

    Click the Detailed View icon to display the summary view.