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Hiding the Share repository document library

The section describes how to hide the Repository link in the Share header.
  1. Open the <configRootShare>/classes/alfresco/share-config.xml file.

    For example, on Tomcat, the file path for this file will be <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/share-config.xml

  2. Locate the <!-- Global config section --> section.
  3. Copy the entire <header></header> section, and then close the file.
  4. Open the <web-extension>/share-config-custom.xml file.
  5. Locate <!-- Global config section -->.

    If you do not see the global configuration section, copy the full example from the share-config.xml file.

  6. Paste the full <header></header> section into the <config replace="true"></config> section.
  7. Locate and comment out the following section from within the <header></header>:

    <item type="link" id="repository">/repository</item>
  8. Save the share-config-custom.xml file, and then restart the SkyVault server.
The Repository link is now not visible in the Share banner.