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Customizing a site

Once you create a site you can customize it to ensure it meets your needs in terms of content and design.
Each new site contains only a library. The site manager can include additional features, such as a wiki, a blog, and a calendar, depending on the type of content and functionality required. These features can be given custom names. A theme, or color scheme, can also be selected for the site.


Each new site contains all components by default. The site manager can configure the site to remove those that aren't applicable to the site, depending on the type of content and functionality required. These features can be given custom names. A theme, or color scheme, can also be selected for the site.

  1. Navigate to the site you want to customize.

    Note: You must have the role Site Manager to perform this task.
  2. On the dashboard banner, click More and then Customize Site.
  3. Choose a site theme from the list provided.
  4. Drag and drop pages from the Available Site Pages box to the Current Site Pages box to add them to the site.

    You must move the pages one at a time.

  5. Once added, click and drag the pages to place them in their display order in the site.

    Note: To remove a page from the site, click Remove beneath that page in the Current Site Pages box.
  6. Rename the pages as desired:
    1. Click Rename beneath the page you want to edit.
    2. Enter the new display name.
    3. Click OK.
  7. Click OK to save your changes.
You return to the site dashboard displaying the new theme, if selected. The navigation bar beneath the site name displays the selected pages in the order configured.
With the site customized you can now customize the site dashboard to display information that is relevant to the site.