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Connecting to the SSL-protected Solr web application

All Solr URLs, which are bundled within SkyVault, are protected by SSL.
To use these URLs from a browser, you need to import a browser-compatible key store to allow mutual authentication and decryption to work. The following steps describe how to import the key store into your browser (these relate to Firefox, other browsers will have a similar mechanism):
  1. Open the FireFox Certificate Manager by selecting Tools > Options > Advanced > Encryption > View Certificates > Your Certificates.
  2. Import the browser keystore browser.p12 that is located in your WEB_INF/classes/alfresco/keystore directory.
  3. Enter the password SkyVault.

    A window displays showing that the key store has been imported successfully. The Certificate Manager now contains the imported key store with the SkyVault repository certificate under the Your Certificates tab.

  4. Close the Certificate Manager by clicking OK.
  5. In the browser, navigate to a Solr URL.

    For example, use the URL http://localhost:8080/solr.

    The browser displays an error message window to indicate that the connection is untrusted. This is due to the SkyVault certificate not being tied to the server IP address. In this case, view the certificate and confirm that it is signed by the SkyVault Certificate Authority.

  6. Expand I understand the risks.
  7. Select Add Exception.
  8. Click View.

    This displays the certificate.

  9. Confirm that the certificate was issued by SkyVault Certificate Authority, and then confirm the Security Exception.
Access to Solr is then granted. The Solr Admin page is displayed with a list of cores:
  • Admin SkyVault (workspace core for live content)
  • Admin archive (workspace core for archive content)
The Solr Admin (alfresco) page is displayed when you click on the Admin SkyVault core. This page is useful for finding information about the Solr installation, such as deployed schemas, Solr configuration, indexed fields etc.