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Sample web application using SkyVault Web Editor

A sample customer WAR file is available in the SkyVault Web Editor distribution. It demonstrates how a customer may use SkyVault Web Editor in a very simple JSP-based web application. This sample must not be used in a production environment and is not supported.

A sample customer tag library is provided, which includes two tags. These tags are included as a demonstration sample and should never be used in a production environment.

Allows content to be pulled from a SkyVault repository and sends output to a JSP page. The content tag requires one mandatory attribute called nodeRef
Allows properties to be pulled from a SkyVault repository and sends output to a JSP page. The property tag requires two mandatory attributes: nodeRef and property.

The following example show the use of these tags:

<customer:content nodeRef="<%=mainTextNodeRef%>" />
<customer:property nodeRef="<%=subTextNodeRef%>" property="cm:description" />

The sample customer application consists of several, simple JSP pages that display the content and properties of two nodes from the repository. Update the /includes/noderefs.jsp page to provide the NodeRefs of two nodes in your repository.

By default, the sample pulls content from the SkyVault repository located at http://localhost:8080/SkyVault, using a user name and password of admin. These values can be supplied using context-param values in the web.xml file, for example:
