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Adding content to a library

You can add both existing content from outside SkyVault and create new content within a site to populate the document library.

Use the Upload option to upload existing content from your computer into the library.

You can also drag and drop one or more items to the library view - even to a particular folder.

Tip: In Detailed View you can drag and drop items into the current library level or directly onto a folder. An arrow will be displayed when the items are correctly positioned over the folder to be dropped. In all other views you can drop items into the current library level only. So if you want to drop them into a specific folder, that folder needs to be open in the library view.

The Create Content menu provides options for creating different kinds of content directly in the library: plain text, HTML, and XML documents, as well as three types of Google Docs content (documents, spreadsheets, presentations). You can also create content from a template.