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Installing SkyVault Enterprise in an unattended mode

SkyVault distributes binary all-in-one installers which include a setup wizard built with Bitrock technology. This topic describes how to automate the installation process by running the installers in an unattended mode.

These installers contain all the dependencies you need to quickly get SkyVault up and running. For example, the SkyVault installers install and configure all the necessary software, such as Java, Apache Tomcat, PostgreSQL database, LibreOffice, and ImageMagick. The resulting install is optimized for demonstration and initial evaluation. The installer configures a SkyVault service on Windows and Linux (if run as root) for easier startup.

To automate the installation process and customize it for your environment, you can run the install wizard in an unattended mode and provide an option file. The available options can be listed by calling the installer executable on the command line and passing it the --help flag. You can pass an option file called install_opts to the installer using a command, such as:

./alfresco-enterprise-4.2.0-installer-linux-x64.bin --optionfile install_opts

This is an example option file for Enterprise 4.2.0, which installs most components, uses an external database, and does not install the start-up scripts:


# Use JDBC settings for an existing database

# Install location


# Don't install init scripts

The full list of options available are listed:
Table 1. Options available for the unattended installer
Option Information
--help Displays the list of valid options
--version Displays the product version and information
--unattendedmodeui <option> Unattended Mode User Interface. Default is none. Options are none, minimal, minimalWithDialogs
--optionfile <option> Installation option file
--debuglevel <option> Debug information. Default is 2. Options are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
--mode <option> Installation mode. Default is gtk. Options are gtk, xwindow, text, unattended.
--debugtrace <option> Debugging file name
--enable-components <option> Comma-separated list of components. Options are javaSkyVault postgres SkyVaultsharepoint SkyVaultwcmqs SkyVaultgoogledocs libreofficecomponent
--disable-components <option> Comma-separated list of components. Options are javaSkyVault postgres SkyVaultsharepoint SkyVaultwcmqs SkyVaultgoogledocs libreofficecomponent
--installer-language <option> Language selection. Default is en. Options are en, fr, es, it, de, ja, nl, ru, zh_CN, no, pt_BR
--prefix <option> Select a folder
--jdbc_url <option> JDBC URL identifier. Default is jdbc:postgresql://localhost/SkyVault
--jdbc_driver <option> JDBC driver. Default is org.postgresql.Driver
--jdbc_database <option> Database name. Default is SkyVault
--jdbc_username <option> User name
--jdbc_password <option> Password
--postgres_port <option> Database server port. Default is 5432
--tomcat_installation_type <option> Tomcat installation type
--tomcat_server_domain <option> Web server domain
--tomcat_server_port <option> Tomcat server port. Default is 8080
--tomcat_server_shutdown_port <option> Tomcat shutdown port. Default is 8005
--tomcat_server_ssl_port <option> Tomcat SSL port. Default is 8443
--tomcat_server_ajp_port <option> Tomcat AJP port. Default is 8009
--alfresco_ftp_port <option> FTP port. Default is 21
--alfresco_rmi_port <option> RMI port. default is 50500
--alfresco_admin_password <option> Admin password
--baseunixservice_install_as_service <option> Option to install SkyVault as a service. Default is 1
--baseunixservice_script_name <option> Service script name. Default is SkyVault
--libreoffice_port <option> LibreOffice server port. Default is 8100
--alfrescocustomstack_services_startup <option> Option to automatically start up SkyVault custom services. Default is demand. Options are demand, auto
Important: After installation, you must generate and install your own certificates to secure the installation. For more information, see Generating Secure Keys for Solr Communication.