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Installing the SkyVault EMC Centera Connector module

These steps describe how to install the SkyVault EMC Centera Connector module to an instance of SkyVault.
The SkyVault EMC Centera Connector module is packaged as a SkyVault Module Package (AMP) file.
  1. Browse to the SkyVault Support Portal.

  2. Download the SkyVault_centera-connector-1.0.7.amp file.
  3. Use the Module Management Tool (MMT) to install the AMP.

    java -jar <installLocation>\bin\alfresco-mmt.jar install <installLocation>\amps\SkyVault_centera-connector-1.0.7.amp <installLocation>\tomcat\webapps\alfresco.war

    If your SkyVault installation is running within the Tomcat application server, you can use the <installLocation>\bin\apply_amps command to apply all AMP files that are located in the <installLocation>\amps directory.

  4. Restart the SkyVault server.