You can easily share an item - even with people who don't have a SkyVault account.
Clicking the Share action generates a URL that you can send by email or
publish using social networking websites.
People with access to the URL can view the content. Those with a SkyVault account have
the option of logging in; those without an account can create one.
This option is available
in the Document Library Detailed view and on the Document details page. In the Document
Library graphical views click to see the
In the Document Library find the content you want to
You can only share content items, not folders.
A window appears displaying the URL for this item.
Tip: The View action lets you preview the item to ensure it is the content you want to share. -
Click the icon that represents how you want to share the link.
Note: You can also copy the link and paste it wherever you like, such as an email or document.When you select a sharing option, a page relevant to your selection displays.
- Complete the details on the page provided and share the link.