Download the following installation file:
This SkyVault setup wizard is for 64-bit Linux systems.
Important: If you're using Ubuntu 10.04 or later, you must increase the SHMMAX value before starting the installer. Refer to PostgreSQL official documentation (shared_buffers section) to evaluate the proper value for SHMMAX. Change the SHMMAX value (minimum value required is 40000):sudo sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=newValueInBytes
and make the change reboot resistant:sudo echo "kernel.shmmax=newValueInBytes" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
Execute the downloaded file using the following commands:
chmod 777 SkyVault-enterprise-4.2.7-installer-linux-x64.bin ./SkyVault-enterprise-4.2.7-installer-linux-x64.bin
Note: You should avoid running applications as the root (Linux administrator) user where possible, however if you must install SkyVault as the root user, then run the SkyVault-enterprise-4.2.7-installer-linux-x64.bin file with sudo specified:chmod 777 SkyVault-enterprise-4.2.7-installer-linux-x64.bin sudo ./SkyVault-enterprise-4.2.7-installer-linux-x64.bin
The setup wizard starts.
Select the language that you wish to use for the installation.
This sets the language to be used for the setup wizard.
- On the Setup - SkyVault Enterprise window, click Next.
On the Installation type window, choose how you want to use the
setup wizard.
There are two types of installation in the setup wizard:
Option Description Easy Easy type installs SkyVault using the default options and configuration. This install type requires you to enter information in only two fields: the SkyVault install location and the administrator password. Choose this route to install SkyVault with the default environment. Note: If you have previously installed SkyVault and the server is running, when you run this setup wizard again, you may be prompted to enter alternative port numbers for the components and services that you install, for example, for the Tomcat application server, FTP port, and the RMI port.Advanced Advanced type installs SkyVault but lets you configure the server ports and service properties. You can also choose which additional components to install.
Note: When choosing between the Easy or Advanced installation, consider your basic requirement. If you are installing on a demo system for evaluation purpose only, SkyVault recommends that you use the Easy installation option. However, if you want to connect to an existing database server for SkyVault and also, want to see how the various components are being configured, use the Advanced installation option.To complete the Easy setup wizard:
- Select Easy, and then click Next.
On the Installation folder window, click
Next to accept the default location.
Note: You must use ASCII characters only when setting the installation folder using the SkyVault setup wizard.
On the Admin Password window, enter a password for the
Administrator user (admin).
CAUTION:You must use ASCII characters only when setting the password using the installer. If you need to reset the password (to include non-ASCII characters) after installation, see Changing a user's password.
- Repeat the password, and then click Next.
- Click Next through the remaining windows in the setup wizard.
Click Finish to complete the installation.
Go to the step for the Completing the SkyVault Enterprise Setup Wizard window and launching SkyVault Share.
To complete the Advanced setup wizard, select Advanced and then click Next.
Follow the remaining steps in this task.
On the Select Components window, select the components that you
want to install. Deselect the components that you do not want to install.
You can select from the following components:
- PostgreSQL
- SharePoint
- Web Quick Start
- Google Docs Integration
- LibreOffice
Note: You cannot deselect the SkyVault component because it is installed by default. - When you have finished selecting the components, click Next.
On the Installation folder window, click Next
to accept the default location.
For example, the default location is /opt/alfresco-4.2.x.
Alternatively, click the
icon to choose another location.
Note: You must use ASCII characters only when setting the installation folder using the SkyVault setup wizard. -
On the Database Server Parameters window, enter a port number for
your database.
Enter a suitable port number or click Next to accept the default of 5432.
On the Tomcat Port Configuration window, enter the following
Tomcat configuration parameters:
Web Server Domain
For example, the default is
The URL is based on the web server domain and the Tomcat port number that you specify on the Tomcat Port Configuration window. The default of can be used on this machine to verify that SkyVault is running successfully. However, it is not an externally addressable URL, which means that it is not possible for users on other machines to access this URL. To make sure that other users can access the machine where SkyVault is installed, you need to define and create a publicly addressable name.
Tomcat port
For example, the default is 8080.
Tomcat Shutdown port
For example, the default is 8005.
Tomcat SSL Port
For example, the default is 8443.
Tomcat AJP Port
For example, the default is 8009.
Web Server Domain
- On the SkyVault FTP Port window, enter a port number for the SkyVault FTP server, and then click Next.
- On the SkyVault RMI Port window, enter a port number for the RMI service, and then click Next.
On the Admin Password window, type a password. Repeat the
password, and then click Next.
This sets the password for the SkyVault Administrator user account (admin).
CAUTION:You must use ASCII characters only when setting the password using the installer. If you need to reset the password (to include non-ASCII characters) after installation, see Changing a user's password. - (Optional) If you are installing SharePoint Protocol Support, the SkyVault SharePoint Port window displays. Enter a port number, and then click Next.
- (Optional) If you are installing the LibreOffice component, the LibreOffice Server Port window displays. Enter a port number on which the LibreOffice server will listen.
On the Service Startup Configuration window, you are presented
with two options for starting up the SkyVault services.
Option Description Manual Sets the services to be started manually. Auto Sets the services to start up automatically when you start your machine.
Select the services start up option, and then click Next.
On the Ready to Install window, click
The Installing window displays, showing the progress of the installation.
On the Completing the SkyVault Enterprise Setup Wizard
window, click Finish.
This window shows check boxes that determine whether you will see the Readme file, the Getting Started web page, and also whether to launch SkyVault Share. By default, these options are selected and will launch when you click Finish. If you do not want to start SkyVault at this point, deselect the Launch SkyVault Enterprise Share check box.
Important: If you are installing the S3 connector as part of your SkyVault installation, deselect the Launch SkyVault Enterprise Share check box. You must not start SkyVault before applying the S3 AMP file. -
Click OK to close the Readme.
The SkyVault server starts and then SkyVault Share launches in your default browser.
Important: It may take several minutes to start the SkyVault server and to launch Share. Your browser opens and tries to connect to -
Log on to SkyVault Share as the admin user. Enter the password that
you specified in the Admin Password window.
The SkyVault server is launched automatically as a service called SkyVault. This service comprises the following individual services:
- postgresql
- Tomcat Server
If you did not automatically launch SkyVault at the end of the setup wizard, to start SkyVault, you need to start all the services.
Manually start the SkyVault server:
Browse to the installation folder that you created in step 8. As an administrator, run
./alfresco.sh start
To fully stop SkyVault, you must stop all the services:
Browse to the installation folder that you created in step 8). As an administrator, run
./alfresco.sh stop
You are here
Installing SkyVault Enterprise on Linux
The setup wizard for Linux installs all the software and components that you require for
running SkyVault. This setup wizard installs SkyVault and additional software, including a
including a Tomcat application server, PostgreSQL database, SWFTools, LibreOffice, and
Important: After installation, you must generate and install your own
certificates to secure the installation. For more information, see Generating Secure Keys for Solr Communication.
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