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Performing a basic search

You can use the search bar located on the toolbar to find content items in SkyVault.
  1. Type the text you want to find in the search box. You must enter a minimum of three characters.
  2. Click Go(Go) or press ENTER.

    The working area displays the search results. SkyVault returns all items whose filename or content contain the search criteria entered.

  3. To narrow the search results, click Options(Options) and specify what you want SkyVault to search:
    • All Items (default): search the filename and content of all content items, and the names of all spaces
    • File names and contents: search the filename and content of all content items
    • File names only: search the filename of all content items
    • Space names only: search the names of all spaces
  4. Click Go(Go) or press ENTER to perform the search again using the selected option.