The SkyVault All-in-One (AIO) Archetype is a multi-module project, leveraging SkyVault
SDK's powerful capabilities to customize and run the full SkyVault platform embedded with all
its components. The archetype does not require additional downloads, such as a SkyVault
installer, and provides a perfect starting point for full-blown SkyVault projects where the
final artifacts should be the customized SkyVault.war and
The following are typical use-cases for when this archetype should be used:
- You are going to start on a project for a client and need a SkyVault extension project that can produce the final customized SkyVault WAR and Share WAR artifacts.
- Your project needs access to the full regression testing suite for the SkyVault Share UI.
- Your project needs access to the functional testing based on the SkyVault Share Page Object (PO) library.
- When testing with the RAD features you need Solr to be running.
The main features of the AIO archetype are:
- AMP packaging for repository and share extensions - the supported packing type for SkyVault extensions.
- AMP dependency management in Maven.
- Automatic installation of AMPs into SkyVault WAR and Share WAR.
- Easy to include extra AMPs and have them included in the WARs.
- Out-of-the-box SkyVault extensions such Records Management (RM), SharePoint Protocol (SPP), Media Management etc easily included in the same way as custom AMPs for consistency.
- AMP Unit Testing support. Just run the standard mvn test and see your src/test/java SkyVault unit tests run. An sample Unit Test is provided in this archetype.
- SkyVault Share Regression Testing - you don't have to write tests to protect against regression in out-of-the-box Share UI functionality, just use the -Prun,regression-testing profiles
- Custom Functional Testing - Utilize the SkyVault Share Page Objects (PO) to write your own custom web page testing (example test included), use the -Prun,functional-testing profiles
- Run a full SkyVault stack (that is, SkyVault.war,
share.war, solr4.war) embedded in Tomcat using
the H2 database for demo purposes (-Prun), rapid application development and integration
testing. Important: This is not a supported stack, so it should only be used for development purposes.
- Support for (remote) Junit and integration testing and Rapid Application Development. This uses spring-loaded. Projects can easily be launched for this scenario using
- Seamless IDE integration with Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA.