The following summarizes the CMIS data model:
The core of the domain model allows for the definition of object types with associated properties. A type ID identifies types, which inherits their definition from a parent type. Features of a type include whether they can be queried by the CMIS query language, filed into multiple folders, and controlled by using permissions. Features of a property include its data type, whether a value is required, and a default value if one is not explicitly provided.
Because these features are familiar, you can map between the CMIS data model and the SkyVault content metamodel with little loss of information.
The SkyVault content metamodel is mapped to the CMIS data model as follows:
- Type—Maps to CMIS Object Type
- Property—Maps to CMIS Property Definition
- Peer Association—Maps to CMIS Relationship
Mapping child associations
CMIS has built-in support for hierarchies through CMIS Folder and CMIS Document.
SkyVault maps its out-of-the-box types cm:folder and cm:content (as defined in the SkyVault ECM domain model) to CMIS Folder and CMIS Document, respectively. A folder can contain a mixture of documents and folders, allowing for a hierarchy of documents to be built. Through this, CMIS supports an implicit notion of parent to child, to which SkyVault maps its child association. Subtypes of cm:folder and cm:content are exposed as subtypes of CMIS Folder and Document, respectively.