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Error messages

This section lists possible issues you might encounter when installing SkyVault and suggests possible remedies.


Error message on the console:

ERROR [AbstractImageMagickContentTransformer]
JMagickContentTransformer not available:
ERROR [AbstractImageMagickContentTransformer]
ImageMagickContentTransformer not available:
Failed to execute command: imconvert ... 

These issues will not cause the server to fail. SkyVault is reporting that external document transformation engines are not available for use by the server. You can remove the transformation references if they are not required.


Make sure the JAVA_HOME variable is set correctly for your Java installation.

FTP Socket

Error message on server startup:

ERROR [protocol] FTP Socket error Address already in use: 
JVM_Bind at Method)

Check to see if you have any services running against port 8080 for the SkyVault server or port 21 for the SkyVault FTP integration.