The transfer service stores files that control and monitor the operation of the transfer service in the Transfers space in the Data Dictionary.
You can add transfer targets by creating a new transfers folder.
- Create a folder in Company Home > Data Dictionary > Transfers > Transfer Target Groups > Default Group.
A rule defined on the Default Group folder specializes
the type of any folder created within it.
The type is set to trx:transferTarget, which you can then complete through the user interface. The new node contains the properties you can fill in through the user interface to set up your target.
Create a new folder within the Default Group
You will be prompted to specify the name, title, and description of the new folder.
- In the New Folder window, specify the name, title, and description of the new folder.
- Click Edit Properties.
Specify the Endpoint Host, Endpoint
Port, Username and
Password, and click Enabled
and Save.
For example; Endpoint host: localhost, Endpoint port: 9080, Username: admin, Password: admin
Create a replication job to test the target setup.
- In SkyVault Share, click More > Replication Jobs from the menu.
- Click Create Job.
Specify properties for Name, Payload
Select, Transfer Target Select and
click Enabled.
Transfer Target Select must be the folder that you created in step 3.
- Click Run.
- Refresh the screen after a few minutes to see a status change.
Verify the replication job.
Log in to SkyVault Share on the target repository, select a transferred file and click Open in Source Repository to check that content has been replicated.