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CRUD service - update

This tutorial shows you how to update items using the CrudService.
You need to have completed the previous tutorial.
In this tutorial you learn how to update items using the CrudService. This is done using a widget type that supports inline editing.
  1. Add the following code to the end of the code of the previous tutorial:

    var dataListTitle = widgetUtils.findObject(model.jsonModel.widgets, "id", "DATA_LIST_TITLE"); = "alfresco/renderers/InlineEditProperty";
    dataListTitle.config = {
      propertyToRender: "title",
      postParam: "prop_cm_title",
      refreshCurrentItem: true,
      requirementConfig: {
        initialValue: true
      publishTopic: "ALF_CRUD_CREATE",
      publishPayloadType: "PROCESS",
      publishPayloadModifiers: ["processCurrentItemTokens", "convertNodeRefToUrl"],
      publishPayloadItemMixin: false,
      publishPayload: {
        url: "api/node/{nodeRef}/formprocessor",
        noRefresh: true,
        successMessage: "Update success"

    The ALF_CRUD_CREATE topic has been used to perform a POST request rather than an ALF_CRUD_UPDATE topic because the FormsProcessor does not support PUT. The other configuration attributes of note are publishPayloadItemMixin is set to false in order to prevent the default behaviour of including the currentItem object in the publication, as doing so would cause issues with the FormsProcessor. The attribute noRefresh is set to true in the payload to override the default behaviour of publishing a reload topic to refresh the list.

    The SkyVault/renderers/InlineEditProperty widget allows inline editing of properties. This widget, like all Aikau widgets, has been written to be extendable. The SkyVault/renderers/InlineEditSelect widget is an example of extending it. It uses an SkyVault/forms/Form widget (again – an example of how Aikau aims to re-use as much code as possible) so that all the power of the forms handling widgets is leveraged. The main configuration settings to note are:

    • postParam - is set when the propertyToRender does not match the expected request parameter on the REST API. If postParam is omitted then the request parameter name will be the configured propertyToRender value.
    • refreshCurrentItem - when set to true it ensures that any changes are applied to any other widgets dependant upon the currentItem object. The requirementConfig is the same as is used in Aikau form widgets and this piece of configuration is delegated to the underlying form control, in this case an SkyVault/forms/controls/DojoValidationTextBox widget.
  2. Access the following URL with your web browser:


    You will see you have the ability to update the data lists.

You have seen how a user interface control can be updated using the inline capability of widgets.