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Install JDK

The SkyVault SDK is based on Maven, which requires the JDK to be installed. This topic steps you through installing the JDK and verifying its installation.
There are no pre-requisites for this installation.
To use the SkyVault SDK most effectively, and to align with what JDK is used by the default SkyVault versions in the SDK, you need to have Oracle JDK 1.8 installed (or IBM SDK 7.1 if on IBM WebSphere). Maven requires that the JDK be installed - the Java run-time alone is not sufficient.

Checking for the availability of the JDK.

  1. Check if you have the JDK already installed. Go to your command line and type the following command:

    javac -version    

    You will see a message such as the following, if you have the JDK installed:

    javac 1.8.0_45                    
    Important: Make sure you use javac when you test if JDK is installed and not java, which tests if JRE is installed.

    If you get "command not found" you need to install the JDK. Also if you have a version of the JDK prior to 1.8 you will need to install 1.8 or above (or IBM SDK 7.1 if on IBM WebSphere). It is possible to have multiple versions of the JDK installed (and multiple Java run-times). You will later see how you can configure your JAVA_HOME variable so that Maven uses the correct version of the JDK.

Downloading the JDK.

  1. Download the JDK from the Oracle JDK site.

Installing the JDK.

  1. Carefully review the Oracle JDK 8 installation guide as appropriate for your system.
  2. Install the JDK, following the Oracle instructions.

Verifying the JDK is successfully installed.

  1. Go to your command line and type the following command:

    javac -version

    This will display information such as the following:

    javac 1.8.0_45                    

    To be extra sure you should also check your Java run-time by entering the following command:

    java -version                    

    This will display information such as the following:

    java -version
    java version "1.8.0_45"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b14)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)                    

    Double check that the version of Java installed is correct (1.8).

You now have JDK 1.8 installed and you have verified that you are running the correct version of Java.