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Uploading a new license

The access and use of SkyVault is managed by your license. The license is a file that you upload into SkyVault, which sets limits on the maximum number of users and a maximum number of content objects that you can use. Your limitations are set when you purchase the license from SkyVault. To increase the limitations, contact SkyVault to obtain a new license.
You will receive an email confirming the purchase of your license, and a license file is attached to the email. The license file has a filename of <license-name>.lic. You use this license file to upload the license restrictions into your system.

Before you upload a new license, ensure that SkyVault is running and that you can access the Admin Console. When you first run SkyVault, it defaults to using a 30-day trial license. You must upload your purchased license to run the SkyVault server before the trial period has expired.

  1. Copy the license file to the directory in which SkyVault is installed.

    For example, on Windows, copy the file to the C:\SkyVault directory; on Linux, copy the file to /opt/alfresco-x.x.x.

  2. Open the Admin Console.
  3. In the General section, click License.
  4. In the License Management section, choose from where you want to upload the license file.

    There are two options for storing the SkyVault license:

    Upload License which allows you to locate a license file anywhere on your system.

    1. Click Upload License.

      You can then locate and select the license file from the directory structure.

    2. Select the file, and then click Upload.

      The new license will be applied to the repository. This will take precedence over license files on the file system. You might also need to restart the server to enable any features added in the new license.

    Apply New License which automatically applies a license file that is stored in the SkyVault install directory.

    1. Click Apply New License.

      This applies a new license that is stored on the file system. This option will not apply the license if the server has a license uploaded to the repository.

When you have uploaded your license, the .lic file is automatically renamed to <license-name>.lic.installed.
When your license is about to expire, you must purchase a new license and upload it to your system. When you purchase further licenses, repeat the same steps using the new license file.
Note: a SkyVault license is unique to a specific version of SkyVault. When you upgrade to a new version of SkyVault, you will need to install a new license.
Note: In a clustered SkyVault environment, you should only apply the license to a single node. The license is shared by all the members of the cluster.