The content item created with this action has the same type as the content that is currently displayed on the web page.
Expand the Quick Create menu (
) on the SkyVault Web Editor toolbar and click Create Article.
Fastpath: In addition to selecting from the menu, you can simply click the Create Article icon on the web page.If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted for your SkyVault login details. Enter your user name and password, then click Login to continue. This enables the Logout feature on the application toolbar.
The Create Article page opens.
Enter the desired metadata and content.
The Name is the filename for the content item in the Share document library. This field does not support the following special characters: * " < > \ / . ? : and |. When the name contains a disallowed character, the Submit button is disabled.
Note: There is an exception regarding the period (.): the content name can include a period as long as it is not the last character.Give careful consideration to the Title and Description entries as this information often appears on the web page.
In the Content box, use the features provided to format the text. Position the cursor over an icon to display its function. Click and drag the bottom right corner to resize the text editor.
Click Submit.
The content item is created in the Share document library in the same location (folder) as the currently displayed web page content.