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Working with the SkyVault EMC Centera Connector module

Test that the SkyVault EMC Centera Connector module is working correctly with SkyVault.
  1. Enable DEBUG logging for the Centera components.

    For example:
  2. Add the xam:archived aspect to the share-config-custom.xml file.

    For example:

       <config evaluator="node-type" condition="cm:content">
                <!-- 2 column template -->
                <edit-form />
                <!-- aspect: cm:storeSelector -->
                <show id="cm:storeName" />
                <!-- aspect: xam:archive -->
                <show id="xam:dateArchived" for-mode="view" />
                <show id="xam:retainUntil" for-mode="view" />
                <show id="cm:content" for-mode="view" />
                   <!-- Store Selector -->
                   <field id="cm:storeName" label="Store Name" description="Content Store Name" />
                   <set id="xam-archive" appearance="bordered-panel" label="XAM Archived" />
                   <field id="xam:dateArchived" label="XAM Date Archived" set="xam-archive" />
                   <field id="xam:retainUntil" label="XAM Retain Until Date" set="xam-archive" />
    <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocumentLibrary">
                <aspect name="xam:archive" label="XAM Archive" />
  3. View the metadata for the document.

    The new store is shown as xamArchive and the retainedUntil date is set.

  4. Copy the ClipID, and then open the C-Clip using the JCASScript tool.

    For example:

    CASScript>clipopen EQM2GC012MC77e72B24N2MMFU59G418ACSAIE70BAS340TN3E1JJL
    Clip Properties:
      Name:                untitled
      Creation Date:       2013.11.27 01:35:09 GMT
      Size:                13474
      Number of Tags:      1
      Number of Blobs:     1
      Retention Class:    
      Retention Seconds:   86396
      Modified:            False
      EBR Enabled :        False
      Retention Hold:      False
    1. Check that the retention period was set.

      Number of attributes:  17
      Name:   creation.poolid           Value:   861673fa-1dd2-11b2-b535-b66ede9133c1-7
      Name:   retention.period          Value:   86396
      Name:   sdk.version               Value:   3.3.718
      Name:   modification.poolid       Value:   861673fa-1dd2-11b2-b535-b66ede9133c1-7
      Name:   type                       Value:   Standard
      Name:   name                       Value:   untitled
      Name:             Value:   2013.11.27 13:35:09 GMT
      Name:         Value:   2013.11.27 13:35:12 GMT
      Name:   creation.profile          Value:   armtesting
      Name:   modification.profile      Value:   armtesting
      Name:   numfiles                  Value:   1
      Name:   totalsize                 Value:   13474
      Name:   refid                     Value:   E5S2HABU8PRRBAS340TN3E1JJL
      Name:   clusterid                 Value:   25c57a54-1dd2-11b2-b87c-ce625a7031f2
      Name:   prev.clip                 Value:  
      Name:   clip.naming.scheme         Value:   MD5
      Name:   numtags                   Value:   1
    2. Check that the node and application properties have been copied over.

      Select the first tag of the opened C-Clip. For example:

      CASTag Properties:
       Name:                com.alfresco.content
       Has Blob:            True
       Blob Size:           13474
       Number of Attributes:10
       Has Parent:          False
       Has Next Sibling:    False
       Has Child:           False

      Display all the attributes. For example:

      Number of attributes: 10
       Name: modified-date   Value: 1385553402696
       Name: com.alfresco.xam.archive.node.sys:ref         Value: workspace://SpacesStore/51bba786-184b-4d7b-8b2a-da90875e5b16
       Name:             Value: Main Repository
       Name:       Value: 2013-11-27T15:56:27.011+04:00
       Name:           Value: 4.2.0 (28)
       Name:                Value: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/alfresco?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8
       Name: com.alfresco.xam.archive.node.sys:path         Value: /app:company_home/st:sites/cm:test/cm:documentLibrary/cm: abc.txt
       Name:       Value: admin
       Name:         Value: abc.txt
       Name:           Value: SkyVault Software
    3. Type tagClose to close curent tag.
    4. Type clipClose to close current C-Clip.
    5. Type poolClose to close current connection to the EMC Centera pool.
  5. Test the folder hierarchy.
    1. Create a folder containing several files and folders,
    2. Apply the xam:archived aspect to the top-level folder.
    3. Check that the aspect has been applied to the entire hierarchy.
    4. Choose one of the files in the hierarchy and check through for a single file from step 1.