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Translating an asset that is not in a translated section

You can choose to translate individual assets rather than managing translations for an entire section.
This task assumes you are in the Document Library page component of the Quick Start site, the Show Folders feature is enabled, and you are working in a section that has not previously been marked as translatable.
  1. Navigate to SkyVault Quick Start > Quick Start Editorial > root > en.
  2. Locate the asset that you want to translate and click Manage Translations in the associated action list.
  3. Click Mark this document as the English translation to make the asset translatable.

    This sets the locale of this asset to English. You now have the option of creating a translation for this content.

  4. In the Action column click Create for the language to which you want to translate the content.

    The Create Content page appears.

  5. Type a name for this asset.

    Note: The new asset you create will be in the same folder as the original item, so you must edit the name to make it unique.

    The Name field does not support the following special characters: * " < > \ / . ? : and |. When the name contains a disallowed character, the Create button is disabled.

    Note: There is an exception regarding the period (.): the content name can include a period as long as it is not the last character. This allows you to add an extension (for example, .txt, .html, or .xml).Provide a title and description.
  6. Complete the form by adding an optional title and description, then enter a translation of the original text in the Content text editor.
  7. Click Create.