Components of the Layout Designer

Layout element
- Single column panel
- Double column panel
- Wide left double column panel
- Triple column panel
The properties are intended for single use only. To use the properties, drag them from the side onto the elements. Once the is used, it is automatically removed from the left panel.
For information on how to create properties, see creating a new property for custom type or aspect.
Create Property
Enables you to create a new property from inside the Layout Designer using the Create Property window.
To use the Property Layout Designer, follow the steps below:
Click Admin Tools, and then click Model
The Model Manager page is displayed.
Click the relevant model from the Custom Models list.
The selected model page appears. This page shows the existing custom types and aspects associated with the selected model.
To define how properties appear on the Edit Properties page in
Share, click
Layout Designer from the Actions drop-down
list for the relevant type or aspect.
Note: If you do not apply the newly created property to the Layout Designer, then neither the type nor its property will be available for use in Share.
The Layout Designer page is displayed.
Drag the required layout elements from top onto the layout area.
After adding the layout elements onto the layout area, you can either edit, reorder, or delete the elements.
- Edit: To edit the layout elements, click anywhere on the element's top panel showing the element name. This displays the Edit Properties window, which enables you to change the column configuration, specify the panel label, and select the panel appearance.
- Reorder: To reorder the layout elements on the layout area, hover over
on the element's top right corner and select
to move the element up or down a place.
- Delete: To remove the layout element from the layout area, hover over
on the element's top right corner and select
Drag the required properties from the side onto the elements.
After adding the properties onto the layout elements, you can either edit, reorder, or delete the elements.
- Edit: To edit the property, click anywhere on the property. This displays the
Edit Properties page, which displays the property name,
label, and type information. It also enables you to manage the following
- Form control: Select the type of form control shown to the end user in
Share. The
form controls displayed in the Layout Designer depend on the data type of the
Form control Description Supported data type Default Allows the user to enter a value based on the selected data type. For example, if the selected data type is d:int, the user will have to specify an integer value. - int
- text
Number Allows the user to enter a number. int Text field Allows the user to type a small amount of text. If you need to obtain more than one line of input from the user, use a text area. text Text area Allows multi-line text input and can hold an unlimited number of characters. text Rich text Allows text to be formatted with common formatting options, such as bold and italics. text Password field Displays characters as masked, such as asterisks or circles. text Mimetype Enables you to identify files based on their nature and format. mimetype Categories Enables you to organize and categorize your content into related groups to form a hierarchy. cm:categories Taggable Enables tagging of content items using keywords. cm:taggable - View mode: Specifies how the property should be displayed in Share.
View mode options Description Any Displays the property on the details page under Properties and also on the Edit Properties page. View Displays the property only on the details page under Properties. Edit Displays the property only on the Edit Properties page. - Style: Enables you to impart text formatting options to the property when it is displayed in Share. The following options are available: bold, underline, italics, font colour, and background colour.
- Style class: Enables you to add your own css class.
- Read only: Select this checkbox to make the property read-only in Share. The Read only option overwrites the View mode option.
- Force display: For the 'standard' content type properties, Force display ensures that the property is visible on view/edit forms even if the type does not actually have that property applied from its aspect. An example of this is titled, which is a part of the cm:titled aspect that is not applied to a file until the property is first set.
- Hidden: Enables you to set the value of the property but it will not visible to the user in Share. For example, you need a property with a default value that must always be applied. In this case, you can create a property with some default value and mark it as Hidden so it is not visible to the user but its value is still set by the system.
- Form control: Select the type of form control shown to the end user in
Share. The
form controls displayed in the Layout Designer depend on the data type of the
- Reorder: To reorder the property on the layout element, hover over
on the property and select
to move the property up or down a place.
- Delete: To remove the property from the layout element, hover over
on the property and select
. The deleted property reappears in the Properties list on the Layout Designer.
- Edit: To edit the property, click anywhere on the property. This displays the
Edit Properties page, which displays the property name,
label, and type information. It also enables you to manage the following
- To save your design, click Save or click Clear to clear the layout area. To apply the default layout design, click Apply Default Layout.