Edit a blog comment to modify or add to its
Only a Site Manager, a Site Collaborator, and the user who
created the comment can edit it.
- In the Blog browse the posts to find the one whose comment you want to edit.
Click the post title to view the post.
The post view displays the selected blog post and the related comments.
Position your cursor over the comment you want to edit to display the available actions
and then click the
Edit icon.
This action is available only when the currently signed in user has permission to edit the comment.
The Edit Comment box appears displaying the selected comment.
Make changes to the comment.
Use the features provided to format the text; insert bulleted and numbered lists; and change the font color. To assist with editing, use the undo, redo, and remove formatting features as needed.
Click Save.
The updated comment displays beneath the post.
- Click Blog Post List to return to the main view.