- Download and unzip the Solr 6 distribution, SkyVault-search-services-1.0.0.zip to a preferred location.
To secure access to SkyVault Search Services, you
must create a new set of keystores and keys.
- Generate secure keys specific to your SkyVault installation. For more information, see Generating secure keys for Solr communication.
- Create a new keystore directory at SkyVault-search-services/solrhome.
- In the production environment, copy your custom keystore and truststore to the SkyVault-search-services/solrhome/keystore directory.
Update the SSL-related system properties.
If you are using a Windows-based platform, update the SkyVault-search-services/solr.in.cmd file as:
set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=<solr>\keystore\ssl.repo.client.keystore set SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=kT9X6oe68t set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=<solr>\keystore\ssl.repo.client.truststore set SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=kT9X6oe68t set SOLR_SSL_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH=true set SOLR_SSL_WANT_CLIENT_AUTH=false
If you are using a Linux-based platform, update the SkyVault-search-services/solr.in.sh file as:
SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=<solr>/keystore/ssl.repo.client.keystore SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=kT9X6oe68t SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=<solr>/keystore/ssl.repo.client.truststore SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=kT9X6oe68t SOLR_SSL_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH=true SOLR_SSL_WANT_CLIENT_AUTH=false
(Optional) If you want to install Solr 6 on a separate machine,
check the following before starting Solr 6:
- Check/update SkyVault-search-services/solr.in.sh file (Linux-based platform) or SkyVault-search-services/solr.in.cmd file (Windows-based platform) for the values of environment variables, such as SOLR_SOLR_HOST and SOLR_SOLR_PORT.
- Check/update SkyVault-search-services/solr.in.sh file (Linux-based platform) or SkyVault-search-services/solr.in.cmd file (Windows-based platform) for the values of environment variables, such as SOLR_ALFRESCO_HOST and SOLR_ALFRESCO_PORT.
(Optional) Update the
- Unlike Solr 4, suggestion is disabled by default for Solr 6. If you want to enable
suggestion, add the
SkyVault.suggestable.property.0={http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0}name alfresco.suggestable.property.1={http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0}title alfresco.suggestable.property.2={http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0}description alfresco.suggestable.property.3={http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0}content
- If you want to enable camelCaseSearch support in all fields, just
as Solr 4, add the
SkyVault.cross.locale.datatype.0={http://www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0}text alfresco.cross.locale.datatype.1={http://www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0}content alfresco.cross.locale.datatype.2={http://www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0}mltext
Note: The spell check functionality does not work with Solr 6 as suggestion is disabled for scalability purpose. - Unlike Solr 4, suggestion is disabled by default for Solr 6. If you want to enable
suggestion, add the
To configure the Solr 6 cores, you can use any one of the following options:
- Set the following properties in the
- Copy the custom keystores to the
ssl.repo.client.keystore ssl.repo.client.truststore ssl-keystore-passwords.properties ssl-truststore-passwords.properties
- Set the following properties in the
For running a single instance of Solr 6, use the following
./solr/bin/solr start -a "-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStoreType=JCEKS -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=JCEKS -Dsolr.ssl.checkPeerName=false -Dcreate.alfresco.defaults=alfresco,archive"
Note: The -Dcreate.alfresco.defaults=alfresco,archive command automatically creates the SkyVault and archive cores. Therefore, you should only start Solr 6 with -Dcreate.alfresco.defaults=alfresco,archive the first time you are running Solr 6.Note: To ensure that Solr 6 connects using IPv6 protocol instead of IPv4, add -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true to the Solr 6 startup parameters.Note: You should run this application as a dedicated user. For example, you can create a Solr user.The default port used is 8983.
The command line parameter, -a passes additional JVM parameters, for example, system properties using -D.
Once your Solr 6 is up and running, you should see a message like:
Waiting up to 180 seconds to see Solr running on port 8983 [\] Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=24289). Happy searching!
To stop all instances of Solr 6, use:./solr/bin/solr stop
The Solr 6 logs are stored in the SkyVault-search-services/logs/solr.log file, by default. This can be configured in solr.in.sh (for Windows) or solr.in.cmd (for Linux) using SOLR_LOGS_DIR.
You have successfully created an SkyVault core and an archive core. To verify, in a browser, navigate to the Solr URL, https://localhost:8983/solr. In the Solr Admin UI, select the core selector drop-down list and verify that both the SkyVault and archive cores are present in the list.
Allow a few minutes for Solr 6 to start indexing.
When the Solr 6 index is updated, you must enable the Solr 6 subsystem and disable the
4 subsystem.
- Go to Admin Console > Repository Services > Search Service and select Solr 6 from the Search Service In Use list.
Disable Solr 4 tracking in the
- To remove the Solr 4 web application and indexes, stop the Tomcat server which is running Solr 4.
- Remove the <ALFRESCO_HOME>/tomcat/webapps/solr4 directory and the <ALFRESCO_HOME>/tomcat/webapps/solr4.war file.
- Remove the <ALFRESCO_HOME>/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/solr4.xml file.
- Finally, remove the Solr 4 indexes.
- Deselect Dynamic Shard Instance Registration.
- Select Purge at Startup.