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Using Media Management

SkyVault Media Management allows you to view and manipulate your digital assets in SkyVault.

SkyVault features provided with Media Management include video support and enhanced image manipulation; for example, video thumbnails and proxies, video trim, time-coded comments for video, and image crop and rotate capabilities. a SkyVault dark site theme is also available.

You can embed metadata into a file using rules, with the Embed properties as metadata in content action, and view metadata in SkyVault and in an image editor. See Working with metadata for more information about extracting and embedding metadata.
Important: Video transformations are very resource intensive and can take a long time to complete. Make sure that any rules that you create that use video transcoding run in the background, to prevent the rule from failing due to a SkyVault timeout. For more information about creating rules, see Creating a rule.

Media Management is integrated with Brightcove and AWS CloudFront publishing channels for publishing your content.