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Add UI support for Tags

In this task you will add UI support for tags. This is a simple case of adding a new TableRow to your layout. This TableRow will contain two TextView components. One TextView will contain a label "Tags:", the other TextView will contain a string representing a list of tags that the node may have applied to it.
  1. In the Package Explorer expand TestApp1 and navigate to res, layout.
  2. Double-click on activity_node_detail.xml file to load it into Eclipse.
  3. Add an additional TableRow to the end of the file, so that the end of the XML file now matches the following:

        <!-- Adding tag support -->	
            <TextView android:text="@string/node_tags" />
            <TextView android:id="@+id/node_tags_value" />
  4. You will find that @string/node_tags is undefined, and will be highlighted in red. You can fix that next.
  5. In the Package Explorer expand the values folder and double-click strings.xml to load it into Eclipse.
  6. Modify the bottom of the file so that it includes the node_tags label:

        <!-- Add support for tags -->
        <string name="node_tags">Tags:</string>

    This will fix the error that was found in activity_node_detail.xml