-(void) createDocumentWithName - Create a new document in
the target folder using the specified properties.
-(AlfrescoRequest *) createDocumentWithName:(NSString
*)documentName inParentFolder:(AlfrescoFolder *)folder contentFile:(AlfrescoContentFile
*)file properties:(NSDictionary *)properties aspects:(NSArray *)aspects
progressBlock:(AlfrescoProgressBlock)progressBlock - Create a new document in
the target folder using the specified properties. The content for the document is taken from
the specified file. If the file parameter is not provided the document is created without
content. The list of aspects is optional, if omitted the default aspects will be
- (NSString *) documentName
- The name of the document to create.
- (AlfrescoFolder *) folder
- The parent folder of the folder to be created.
- (AlfrescoContentFile *) file
- The contents to be used for the new document.
- (NSDictionary *) properties
- The properties to be applied to the document.
- (NSArray *) aspects
- The aspects to be applied to the document. Default aspects will be applied if this parameter is omitted.
- (AlfrescoDocumentCompletionBlock) completionBlock
- The block that is called with the created document on completion of the operation. The completion block has the format typedef void (^AlfrescoDocumentCompletionBlock)(AlfrescoDocument *document, NSError *error).
- (AlfrescoProgressBlock) progressBlock
- The block that's called with the upload progress. The block has the format typedef void (^AlfrescoProgressBlock)(NSInteger bytesTransferred, NSInteger bytesTotal).
(AlfrescoRequest *)
- (AlfrescoRequest *)createDocumentWithName:(NSString
*)documentName inParentFolder:(AlfrescoFolder *)folder inputStream:(AlfrescoContentStream
*)contentStream properties:(NSDictionary *)properties aspects:(NSArray *)array
progressBlock:(AlfrescoProgressBlock)progressBlock; - Create a new document in
the target folder using the specified properties. The content for the document is taken from
the specified input stream. If the input stream parameter is not provided the document is
created without content. The list of aspects is optional, if omitted the default aspects
will be applied.
- (NSString *) documentName
- The name of the document to create.
- (AlfrescoFolder *) folder
- The parent folder of the folder to be created.
- (AlfrescoContentStream *) contentStream
- The contents from an content stream to be used for the new document.
- (NSDictionary *) properties
- The properties to be applied to the document.
- (NSArray *) aspects
- The aspects to be applied to the document. Default aspects will be applied if this parameter is omitted.
- (AlfrescoDocumentCompletionBlock) completionBlock
- The block that is called with the created document on completion of the operation. The completion block has the format typedef void (^AlfrescoDocumentCompletionBlock)(AlfrescoDocument *document, NSError *error).
- (AlfrescoProgressBlock) progressBlock
- The block that's called with the upload progress. The block has the format typedef void (^AlfrescoProgressBlock)(NSInteger bytesTransferred, NSInteger bytesTotal).
(AlfrescoRequest *)
- (AlfrescoRequest *)createDocumentWithName:(NSString
*)documentName inParentFolder:(AlfrescoFolder *)folder contentFile:(AlfrescoContentFile
*)file properties:(NSDictionary *)properties aspects:(NSArray *)aspects type:(NSString
*)type completionBlock:(AlfrescoDocumentCompletionBlock)completionBlock
progressBlock:(AlfrescoProgressBlock)progressBlock - Create a new document in the
target folder using the specified properties. The content for the document is taken from the
specified file. If the file parameter is not provided the document is created without
content. The list of aspects is optional, if omitted the default aspects will be applied.
Specifies a custom type. If the type is omitted the content is created with the default
cm:content type.
- (NSString *) documentName
- The name of the document to create.
- (AlfrescoFolder *) folder
- The parent folder of the folder to be created.
- (AlfrescoContentFile *) file
- The contents to be used for the new document.
- (NSDictionary *) properties
- The properties to be applied to the document.
- (NSArray *) aspects
- The aspects to be applied to the document. Default aspects will be applied if this parameter is omitted.
- (NSString*) type
- The custom type to be applied to the document. If this is omitted the default content type, cm:content, will be used.
- (AlfrescoDocumentCompletionBlock) completionBlock
- The block that is called with the created document on completion of the operation. The completion block has the format typedef void (^AlfrescoDocumentCompletionBlock)(AlfrescoDocument *document, NSError *error).
- (AlfrescoProgressBlock) progressBlock
- The block that's called with the upload progress. The block has the format typedef void (^AlfrescoProgressBlock)(NSInteger bytesTransferred, NSInteger bytesTotal).
(AlfrescoRequest *)
- (AlfrescoRequest *)createDocumentWithName:(NSString
*)documentName inParentFolder:(AlfrescoFolder *)folder
contentStream:(AlfrescoContentStream *)contentStream properties:(NSDictionary *)properties
aspects:(NSArray *)array type:(NSString *)type
progressBlock:(AlfrescoProgressBlock)progressBlock; - Create a new document in
the target folder using the specified properties. The content for the document is taken from
the specified input stream. If the content stream parameter is not provided the document is
created without content. The list of aspects is optional, if omitted the default aspects
will be applied.
- (NSString *) documentName
- The name of the document to create.
- (AlfrescoFolder *) folder
- The parent folder of the folder to be created.
- (AlfrescoContentStream *) contentStream
- The contents from an content stream to be used for the new document.
- (NSDictionary *) properties
- The properties to be applied to the document.
- (NSArray *) aspects
- The aspects to be applied to the document. Default aspects will be applied if this parameter is omitted.
- (NSString*) type
- The custom type to be applied to the document. If this is omitted the default content type, cm:content, will be used.
- (AlfrescoDocumentCompletionBlock) completionBlock
- The block that is called with the created document on completion of the operation. The completion block has the format typedef void (^AlfrescoDocumentCompletionBlock)(AlfrescoDocument *document, NSError *error).
- (AlfrescoProgressBlock) progressBlock
- The block that's called with the upload progress. The block has the format typedef void (^AlfrescoProgressBlock)(NSInteger bytesTransferred, NSInteger bytesTotal).
(AlfrescoRequest *)
- (AlfrescoRequest *)createDocumentWithName:(NSString
*)documentName inParentFolder:(AlfrescoFolder *)folder
contentStream:(AlfrescoContentStream *)contentStream properties:(NSDictionary *)properties
progressBlock:(AlfrescoProgressBlock)progressBlock; - Create a new document in
the target folder using the specified properties. The content for the document is taken from
the specified input stream. If the input stream parameter is not provided the document is
created without content.
- (NSString *) documentName
- The name of the document to create.
- (AlfrescoFolder *) folder
- The parent folder of the folder to be created.
- (AlfrescoContentStream *) contentStream
- The contents from an content stream to be used for the new document.
- (NSDictionary *) properties
- The properties to be applied to the document.
- (AlfrescoDocumentCompletionBlock) completionBlock
- The block that is called with the created document on completion of the operation. The completion block has the format typedef void (^AlfrescoDocumentCompletionBlock)(AlfrescoDocument *document, NSError *error).
- (AlfrescoProgressBlock) progressBlock
- The block that's called with the upload progress. The block has the format typedef void (^AlfrescoProgressBlock)(NSInteger bytesTransferred, NSInteger bytesTotal).
(AlfrescoRequest *)