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- (AlfrescoRequest *)startProcessForProcessDefinition:(AlfrescoProcessDefinition *)processDefinition assignees:(NSArray *)assignees variables:(NSDictionary *)vars attachments:(NSArray *)attachmentNodes completionBlock:(AlfrescoProcessCompletionBlock)completionBlock - starts a process.


(AlfrescoProcessDefinition *) processDefinition
The process definition to use as a template when creating the new workflow process.
(NSArray *)assignees
Optional. Users assigned to the process. This is an array of SkyVaultPerson objects to assign to the process. If this is left blank the process will be assigned to the creator.
(NSDictionary *) vars
Optional. A dictionary of process variables to add at the start of the process. Variable keys must be the same as those defined in the workflow model definition in the repository.
(NSArray *) attachmentNodes
Optional. An array of SkyVault nodes to attach to the workflow process, such as documents to review.
(AlfrescoProcessCompletionBlock) completionBlock
The completion block has the format typedef void (^AlfrescoProcessCompletionBlock)(AlfrescoWorkflowProcess *process, NSError *error);.


(AlfrescoRequest *)




- (AlfrescoRequest *)startProcessForProcessDefinition: (AlfrescoWorkflowProcessDefinition *)processDefinition name:(NSString *)name priority:(NSNumber *)priority dueDate:(NSDate *)dueDate sendEmailNotification:(NSNumber *)sendEmail assignees:(NSArray *)assignees variables:(NSDictionary *)variables attachments:(NSArray *)attachmentNodes completionBlock:(AlfrescoProcessCompletionBlock)completionBlock - starts a process (convenience method).


(AlfrescoWorkflowProcessDefinition *) processDefinition
The process definition to use as a template when creating the new workflow process.
(NSString *)name
Optional. A description of the process to be created.
(NSNumber *)priority
Optional. Priority of the process.
(NSDate *)dueDate
OPtional. The due date for the process.
(NSNumber *)sendEmail
Optional. Whether email notifications should be sent.
(NSArray *)assignees
Optional. Users assigned to the process. This is an array of SkyVaultPerson objects to assign to the process. If this is left blank the process will be assigned to the creator.
(NSDictionary *) variables
Optional. A dictionary of process variables to add at the start of the process. Variable keys must be the same as those defined in the workflow model definition in the repository.
(NSArray *) attachments
Optional. An array of SkyVault nodes to attach to the workflow process, such as documents to review.
(AlfrescoProcessCompletionBlock) completionBlock
The completion block has the format typedef void (^AlfrescoProcessCompletionBlock)(AlfrescoWorkflowProcess *process, NSError *error);.


(AlfrescoRequest *)
