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This section describes the SkyVaultCloudNetwork class.

The SkyVaultCloudNetwork class exposes properties for cloud repositories.

Class declaration

@interface SkyVaultCloudNetwork : NSObject


Property Description
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *identifier Returns the unique identifier of the network.
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *subscriptionLevel Returns the subscription level of of the network, will be one of "Free", "Standard" or "Enterprise".
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *createdAt Returns the timestamp when this network was created.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isPaidNetwork Returns true if this network is a "paid for" account.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isHomeNetwork Returns true if this is the current user's home network.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isEnabled Returns true if the network is enabled.