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Process Services Landing Page

The landing page is your user interface to Process Services. When you first log in, you will see your landing page.

Each tile gives you tools for distinct sets of tasks.

You can get back to your landing page at any time by clicking on the Process Serviceslogo on the header.

Your landing page is dynamic, and new tiles will appear when you create new process apps in the App Designer and deploy them in the Task App.

You'll also see a list of shortcuts for tasks you might want to do next.

Note: If you are an administrator, your landing page is slightly different. Instead of the Profile management tile, you’ll find a more powerful set of tools called the Identity management tile.

All pages display the App Navigator icon in the far-right corner of the header. It provides useful 1-click shortcuts to various parts of the app. You can navigate instantly to all your process models, tasks, processes, stencils, forms, decision tables, quickly start any process, view the tasks and processes for a published and deployed app, or view and change your profile. As you deploy process apps, the App Navigator will also show shortcuts for the newly created process apps.