The following table lists the request parameters to be used in the JSON body POST. For example, to filter historic process instances that completed before the given date (startedBefore):
POST api/enterprise/historic-process-instances/query
With a JSON body request:
{ "startedBefore":"2016-06-16", }
Example response:
{ "size": 25, "total": 200, "start": 0, "data": [ { "id": "2596", "name": "Date format example - June 7th 2016", "businessKey": null, "processDefinitionId": "dateformatexample:1:2588", "tenantId": "tenant_1", "started": "2016-06-07T14:18:34.433+0000", "ended": null, "startedBy": { "id": 1, "firstName": null, "lastName": "Administrator", "email": "" }, { "id": "2596", . . .
Where, *size is the size of the page or number of items per page. By default, the value is 25. * start is the page to start on. Pages are counted from 0-N. By default, the value is 0, which means 0 will be the first page.
processInstanceId |
An ID of the historic process instance. |
processDefinitionKey |
The process definition key of the historic process instance. |
processDefinitionId |
The process definition id of the historic process instance. |
businessKey |
The business key of the historic process instance. |
involvedUser |
An involved user of the historic process instance. Where, InvolvedUser is the ID of the user. |
finished |
Indicates if the historic process instance is complete. Where, the value may only be True, as the default values are True or False. |
superProcessInstanceId |
An optional parent process id of the historic process instance. |
excludeSubprocesses |
Returns only historic process instances which aren’t sub-processes. |
finishedAfter |
Returns historic process instances that finished after the given date. The date is displayed in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:MM:SS format. |
finishedBefore |
Returns historic process instances that finished before the given date. The date is displayed in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:MM:SS format. |
startedAfter |
Returns historic process instances that were started after the given date. The date is displayed in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:MM:SS format. |
startedBefore |
Returns historic process instances that were started before the given date. The date is displayed in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:MM:SS format. |
startedBy |
Returns only historic process instances that were started by the selected user. |
includeProcessVariables |
Indicates if the historic process instance variables should be returned. |
tenantId |
Returns instances with the given tenantId. |
tenantIdLike |
Returns instances with a tenantId like the given value. |
withoutTenantId |
If true, only returns instances without a tenantId set. If false, the withoutTenantId parameter is ignored. |