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Using the Share Connector demo

Follow these steps to start creating and running processes in SkyVault Share.

Note: The LDAP demo server installed with the demo includes four fixed users. The password for each user is password. The following four users are set up so you can try out various groups and user scenarios.
  • jluc is a tenant manager in Process Services, a user in SkyVault Content Services, and in the groups engineering and marketing.

  • kirk is a tenant admin in Process Services, a user in SkyVault Content Services, and in the group engineering.

  • wesley is a user in Process Services and a user in SkyVault Content Services. He is not a member of any group.

  • admin is an admin in Process Services and an admin in SkyVault Content Services. This is the only user who has the ability to deploy process definitions from SkyVault Process Services to Share.

  1. Go to the installed SkyVault Share system at http://localhost:8090/share and login with the following user credentials:

    userid: admin

    password: password

    Share Connector installs a demo LDAP system which provides several fixed userid/password pairs. The admin user Id provides permissions to start tasks and processes on Share, and to create and deploy processes and apps on the embedded SkyVault Process Services. On your personal dashboard, click the Tools icon on the top-right and add the My Activiti Tasks dashlet.

    This dashlet is now displayed as well as the original My Tasks dashlet. Use the new dashlet to control processes and tasks inside SkyVault Share.

  2. Go to http://localhost:8080/activiti-app/, and log in with the userid admin and the password password.

    In the embedded app, you can create process definitions and deploy them to SkyVault Share.