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Adding record metadata

All records in the File Plan have metadata, which you can think of as a records properties.
If you associate the record with a specific type by selecting the Add Record Metadata option then additional metadata options are required for the record. You need to complete all the required metadata before you can set a record to complete.
Note: Adding record metadata isn't required, but can be useful to allow additional metadata to be added against a file.
  1. Hover over an incomplete record in the File Plan and click More then Add Record Metadata.

    Tip: For non-electronic records the Add Record Metadata is available as soon as you hover over them, you don't need to click More.

    The available record types are displayed.

  2. Select the appropriate record type.

    Record type Description
    Web Record A web page
    Scanned Record A file that is scanned into the Records Management system
    PDF Record A PDF file
    Digital Photograph Record A photographic image file

    Tip: You can select multiple items in the standard multi-select way.
  3. Click OK.

    Some record metadata is mandatory. Before you can complete a record, you must edit the metadata to complete the mandatory fields.

Icons next to the record show the record types that it's been associated with. Hover over an icon to display the record type.