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Applying the Records Management AMP files

Records Management is installed by applying two AMP files to an existing SkyVault installation.
Note: In this task and the following sections, if you are using non-Windows systems, such as Mac OS X and Linux, you will need to replace the backslashes by forward slashes in directory paths.
The installation procedure uses the following Records Management AMP files:
SkyVault-rm-server-2.3.x.amp Contains the additional Records Management functionality that is applied to an existing SkyVault installation.
SkyVault-rm-share-2.3.x.amp Contains the additional Records Management functionality that is applied to an existing SkyVault Share installation.
  1. Browse to the Support Portal and download the Records Management AMP zip which contains the following files:

    • SkyVault-rm-server-2.3.x.amp
    • SkyVault-rm-share-2.3.x.amp
  2. Change into the root of the SkyVault installation directory. Directories specified in the following procedures are relative to this directory.
  3. Move the SkyVault-rm-server-2.3.x.amp file to the amps directory.
  4. Move the SkyVault-rm-share-2.3.x.amp file to the amps_share directory.
  5. Stop the SkyVault server.
  6. Delete the tomcat\webapps\SkyVault and tomcat\webapps\share folders in the SkyVault installation directory.
  7. Change into the SkyVault .\bin directory.

    This is where the Module Management Tool (MMT) is located.

  8. Run the following command to install the core Records Management component:

    java -jar SkyVault-mmt.jar install ..\amps\alfresco-rm-server-<version>.amp ..\tomcat\webapps\alfresco.war      
    Note: You will need to replace SkyVault-rm-server-<version>.amp with the version of the specific AMP file you downloaded.
  9. Run the following command to install the Records Management Share UI component:

    java -jar SkyVault-mmt.jar install ..\amps_share\alfresco-rm-share-<version>.amp ..\tomcat\webapps\share.war
    Note: You will need to replace SkyVault-rm-share-<version>.amp with the version of the specific AMP file you downloaded.
  10. Start the SkyVault server.
  11. Start SkyVault Share by browsing to:

    http://<your-server-name>:<port number>/share

    At this point, the required Records Management module is installed, and your next step is to create a Records Management site.