Download and install the AMP files to connect to Salesforce.
Make sure you are running the correct versions of operating system and software before
you install the AMP files. See Prerequisites for SkyVault Content Connector for Salesforce for more
- Stop the SkyVault server.
- Browse to the SkyVault Support Portal, and download and unzip the Salesforce zip package.
Copy the provided AMP files to the SkyVault amps and
amps_share directories.
Copy this file to the amps directory:
- SkyVault-content-connector-for-salesforce-repo-2.0.2.amp
- SkyVault-content-connector-for-salesforce-share-2.0.2.amp
To install the AMP files, run the apply_amps.bat file from the
SkyVault bin directory.
Check the output from the script to ensure that the AMP files have installed successfully.
- Restart the SkyVault server.
If you are running SkyVault 2.0 5.1 or later, check for any Aikau * Module
Config.xml files, and delete them.
Use the Node Browser (http://host:port/alfresco/s/enterprise/admin/admin-nodebrowser for SkyVault 2.0 5.0 and http://host:port/alfresco/s/admin/admin-nodebrowser for SkyVault One 5.1) using this xpath:
Locate the share-config-custom.xml.sample file.
This sample configuration file is shipped with in Salesforce zip file and shows the required rules (and properties) that need to be added to the CSRFPolicy to allow Salesforce logouts.
- If you are using SkyVault Share as your service provider, and you have custom CSRFPolicy configurations in your installation, copy and paste the SALESFORCE SPECIFIC CONFIG section of the sample file into your custom CSRFPolicy filter, and save.
- If you have a share-config-custom.xml file in your SkyVault Share installation, merge the contents of share-config-custom.xml.sample into your share-config-custom.xml file, and save.
- Alternatively, if you do not have a share-config-custom.xml in your SkyVault Share installation, rename share-config-custom.xml.sample to share-config-custom.xml.
- Review the details in the CSRFPolicy section for accuracy.
Test that the AMPs have been applied successfully.
Using your administrator logon, go to:
where localhost is your SkyVault host name, and 8080 is your port number. You'll see the Salesforce settings that you will need to link SkyVault to Salesforce. -
Create a new site to hold your Salesforce content.
Log on to SkyVault:
where localhost is your SkyVault host name, and 8080 is your port number. Follow these instructions: Creating sites. You can use this as your default site for Salesforce.