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Create your collaboration site

The next step in the scenario is to create a collaboration site for your team.

From here, your team will be able to:

  • Share and manage content
  • Schedule and manage meeting events
  • Have group discussions
  • Write blogs
  • Author content online and share with others via a wiki
To create your site:
  1. On the application toolbar, click My Dashboard to return to your personal dashboard.
  2. Click Create Site on the My Sites personal dashlet.

    Create Site page
  3. Add the following information:
    1. Name: A descriptive name that will display as the title of your site. This is mandatory.
    2. URL name: A brief version of the name that is appropriate for a URL; it cannot contain any spaces or special characters. This is mandatory.
    3. Description: Information to distinguish your site from others in the My Sites list.
    4. Type: For this release, the only available site type is Collaboration.
    5. Visibility: A value that dictates users' access to the site.

    Note: Your site has public access by default, meaning it is available to be viewed by all users, whether or not they join the site. In a private site, the Site Manager invites users to join. In a moderated public site, the Site Manager controls the membership by accepting or rejecting membership requests.
  4. Click OK to create and view your new site.

    Site Dashboard: new site