- Locate and view the content containing the comment you want to edit.
Locate the comment you want to edit.
The comment list displays only the ten most recent comments so you may need to navigate multiple pages of comments to locate the specific comment you want to edit.
When the list contains more comments than can be displayed on a single page, navigation links appear at the top and bottom of the list. The number in bold indicates your current page. Click a page number to display a specific page. Use the previous (<<) and next (>>) links to move forward and backward through multiple pages of comments.
Click the Edit Comment action to the right
of the comment you want to change.
This action is available only when the currently logged in user has permission to edit the comment.
The Edit Comment box appears displaying the selected comment.
Edit the comment.
Use the features provided to format the text; insert bulleted and numbered lists; and color the text and background. To assist with editing, use the undo, redo, and remove formatting features as needed.
Click Save.
The updated comment displays.
Note: The user name and profile picture associated with the comment indicate the user who added it. Therefore, these details will not be replaced with your own if you are editing another user's comment.
You are here
Editing a comment
You can edit a comment on a folder or individual
content item to modify or add to its content.
This task assumes you are in the library of the desired site. To
perform this task on a folder the Show Folders
feature must be enabled.
Only a Site Manager, a Site Collaborator, and the user who
created the comment can edit it.
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