Navigate the library tree structure and click the destination
The item list displays the current contents of the selected folder. The content you create will be added here.
Click Create Content and then select the type of content item
you wish to create:
Note: To create content from a template, click By Templated Node and select from the list of templates made available by your administrator. A new content item with the same name as the template is created. You can rename the new item and edit the default content. No other steps in this task are required.
Type a Name for the content on the Create
Content page.
The Name does not support the following special characters: * " < > \ / . ? : and |. When the name contains a disallowed character the Create button is disabled.
Note: There is an exception regarding the period: the content name can include a period as long as it is not the last character. This allows you to add an extension (for example, .txt, .html, or .xml). -
Provide an optional description.
The description lets you provide additional information about the content which can be helpful to other members.
Type the desired content in the Content
If you are creating a plain text document simply type the desired text.
For an HTML document, use the features provided to format the text, insert or edit links, anchors, and images, and to insert and customize tables. To assist with editing, use the undo, redo, and remove formatting features as needed. Position the cursor over an icon to display its function. Click and drag the bottom right corner to resize the text editor.
Note: When you save an HTML document, some text formatting may not save due to security reasons.For an XML document type your content with the appropriate XML tagging.
Note: When creating a Google Docs item you do not enter any content; you are simply creating the empty item. You must check out the item to Google Docs in order to add the appropriate content. - Click Create.
You are here
Creating content in the library
The Create Content feature enables you to create plain text,
HTML, XML, and Google Docs files directly in the site library. You can also create content
from templates.
This task assumes you are in the library of the desired
Before you create the content item you need to decide where in
the library you want it to reside. The Library
section of the browsing pane displays the available folders. You can
create new folders as necessary.
The dialog box closes and the details page displays the newly
created content item.
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