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Creating a site

You can create a site from anywhere in the application. You are automatically made the manager of the site you create.
When creating a site, you have the option of making it public or private. All users can view a public site, whether or not they have joined the site. Users who join the site are listed as site members and can work with the site content, depending on their assigned roles. A private site is available only to the site manager and any users invited to join the site. A site can have multiple managers.
  1. On the toolbar expand the Sites menu and click Create Site.

    Tip: You can also create a site from your personal dashboard: click Create Site on the My Sites dashlet.

    The Create Site dialog box appears. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

  2. Complete the basic site information: Name, URL Name, and Description.

    The site name is a descriptive name that will display as the title of your site. This is mandatory.

    The URL name is used as part of the site URL. This name is generated automatically when you enter the site name but you can edit it as necessary. This field does not support spaces or the following special characters: * " < > \ / . ? : and |. When the entry contains a disallowed character, the OK button is disabled.

    The description should provide enough information for users to be able to distinguish your site from others.

  3. Specify the site visibility as Public or Private. If you want the site manager to control membership in your public site, select Moderated site membership.
  4. Click OK.
The Create Site dialog box closes and the dashboard for the new site displays. This site will now appear in the My Sites dashlet on your personal dashboard. Sites that you create are automatically added to your My Favorites list.