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Searching for a site

The Site Finder page lets you search for existing sites.
Use this feature to search for a particular site or to display a list of all sites you have permission to access. From the site list, you can navigate to a site; manage your site membership by joining or leaving individual sites; and delete a site (if you are a manager).
  1. On the toolbar expand the Sites menu and click Search for Sites.

    The Site Finder page displays.

  2. In the search box, type the full or partial name of the desired site.

    Tip: Leave the search box empty to display all sites you have permission to access. This can include public sites, sites you created, and sites (public and private) that you belong to. Private sites that you are not a member of do not appear.
  3. Click Search.

    The results list displays the existing sites that match your criteria. This list includes public sites, moderated public sites, sites you created, and private sites that you belong to. To the right of a site, the actions Join and Request to Join indicate you are not a site member; the action Leave indicates you are a site member.

To navigate to a site from this page, click the site name.