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Creating a new transfer target for replication jobs

To use the replication jobs feature for replicating content across SkyVault repositories, you need to create a transfer target definition (in the source SkyVault server) to specify where the transfer should go.

The files that control and monitor the transfer service are stored using a folder in SkyVault Share, in the Transfers space under Data Dictionary. The Transfer Target Groups space contains the transfer target definitions that specify the destination of the transfer. The group level below this space, called Default Group, is used to classify different sets of transfer targets.
  1. On the source SkyVault server, browse to Company Home > Data Dictionary > Transfers > Transfer Target Groups > Default Group.
  2. Create a folder for the new transfer target.

    For example, create a folder called Transfer1.

  3. Edit the properties for the new folder and modify the following fields:

    Field What is it?
    Endpoint Host Type the host name of the target server.
    Endpoint Port Type the port number of the target server. For example, type 8080.
    User Name Type a user name of an account on the target server.
    Password Type a password for the user account.
    Enabled Click this checkbox to enable the transfer target.

    A rule defined on the Default Group folder specializes the type of any folder created within it. The type of the folder is set to trx:transferTarget, which you can then complete through the user interface.

  4. Click Save.
  5. On the source server, configure Share to open locked content.

    Refer to Configuring Share to open locked content in the source repository.

  6. Verify that the target server is set up correctly.
    1. Log in to the source server.
    2. Create a folder on the source server.

      For example, in Company Home, create Folder1.

    3. Create a job with the source as Folder1 and a transfer target as Transfer1. Refer to Creating a new replication job.
    4. Run the new job.
    5. On the target server, open the folder that contains the source for the job (Folder1).
    6. On the target server, click View in Source Repository.

      Folder1 opens in the source repository.